Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't get stuck in past or future

Oftentimes clients come in and report the same past hurts over and over. They know that they are stuck in the past and that the past can't be changed, but they go back over and over to re-visit these hurts, slights, tragedies, etc.

Then there are those that are immobilized because of things that "might happen" next week, tomorrow or even later today. Still, it's the future.

The reality is that life happens in the present and that's the only thing we can really do anything about. Do YOU have trouble staying in the present? A technique to become present, according to Lea Cordon, is to "Picture 2 boxes in your head, one for the past and one for the future. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling deeply. If thoughts come to your mind sort them into one of the 2 boxes until your mind feels quiet and at peace."

Where will YOU spend this Labor Day?? Have a good one!

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