Sunday, August 3, 2008

What is a phobia? What can be done?

Do you believe that you might have a phobia? Plenty of people do! Some of the phobias that we hear about are:

  • fear of spiders and snakes

  • fear of public speaking

  • fear of flying

  • fear of small, enclosed spaces

  • fear of having certain illnesses

What keeps people from getting treatment for these often-debilitating disorders? Actually, it's the fear of what someone else might say or think about getting help for a problem like this. It's not logical but then many of the things we are taught about the way life works are not logical. Some people are lucky enough to wake up one day and say, "wait a second, my mother, father, sister, brother, teacher, coach or baby-sitter may have told me that _________ was true, or would happen if I do ______. but that's crazy!" I'm going to get some more information on this ( or that) and try doing things or thinking about this in a new, improved way!"

What freedom and empowerment this brings to people. I see it happen every day and it's what makes me love being a therapist/counselor. Are YOU ready to look at your fears and "stinkin' thinkin'?" Please give me a call at 419-1698 and set up an appointment.

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