Monday, January 4, 2010

Seven Tips for dealing with Seasonal Depression

Starting around Halloween, therapists become overbooked, their schedules bursting at the seams with new appointments and people coming back for a “tune-up”, not feeling so hot all of a sudden.

So, this might be a good time to run some tips by you for dealing with depression during this vulnerable time for so many. And let me just say at the outset that I really do understand that depression, by definition, drains your energy, motivation and sense of hope and efficacy, so you’re not exactly in the mood to follow tips. I get that. Try to do a little of this and that anyway. If you keep at it, the gains can become cumulative and effective over time. Okay, here goes:

1.Seek emotional support from the relationships likely to deliver the goods. That means sharing how you feel with trusted family or friends; making yourself show up for a social activity; emailing somebody; picking up the phone; joining a support group.. you get the picture. Structured social activity is your friend here.

2.Get exercise – it’s a natural anti-depressant. You won’t feel like it if you’re depressed, but go for a walk or get to the gym anyway. And while you’re at it, get your daily dose of sunlight, too, assuming you’re not in the Land of the Midnight Sun or, um, Cleveland. (Sorry, Cleveland! It’s actually exceptionally gorgeous and sunny here lately, with stunning foliage, so that was a cheap shot…. Must be accumulated resentment from too many gray Novembers, I guess.)

3.Try to normalize your sleep pattern – if you’re depressed, you’re likely to be sleeping too little or too much or both. Get to bed at a decent hour and don’t sleep in too long.

4.Eat healthy, mood-boosting foods. This includes complex carbs, vitamin B, chromium and foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, nuts, flax oil, etc). And, for heavens sake, ditch the refined sugar, people! You’ll get a quick boost, followed by a plummeting mood, and that’s a promise. Excessive caffeine isn’t so great for you either.

5.Figure out what works as your uplift tools: listening to guided imagery or your favorite music; getting out in nature; journaling; a taste of dark chocolate; working with your favorite yoga DVD; playing with the dog; taking a hot, aromatherapy bath; getting a massage; watching a goofy movie… whatever does it for you.

6.Be intentionally kind to yourself. Plan with your well-being in mind. Avoid stressful encounters and assignments when possible. Talk nicely and encouragingly to yourself. Watch for when negative self-talk or impossibly high standards start harassing you from the inside and tell that part of your brain to just knock it off.

7.Get professional help if you can’t activate these strategies. You may need a kick-start from some medication and/or more structured care from a pro.

And do check out the research which shows that short term Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can alleviate this condition, even more than light therapy, and that for many, results stick through the following year.

(written by Belleruth Naparstek,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes, it can be extremely hard to overcome such a disease as SAD. It is possible still. The essential factor here is support. Some other options I can share here: