Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How's YOUR inner child doing today?

Did you know that you have an "inner child?" It's the part of you that still feels and thinks like you did when you were actually a child. As it turns out, that part of us is often bigger than the adult part of us and can cause a lot of problems because children don't have all the facts and make conclusion and decision that are based on partial information and through a child's eyes.
Inner child work is in one way detective work. We have a mystery to solve.Why have I been attracted to the the type of people that I have been in relationship with in my life?Why do I react in certain ways in certain situations? Where did my behavior patterns come from?Why do I sometimes feel so: helpless; lonely; desperate; scared; angry; self-destructive; etc."
It is very important to start awakening to the Truth that there is nothing inherently wrong with our being - it is our relationship with our self and with life that is dysfunctional. And that relationship was formed in early childhood.That is the purpose of inner child healing - to stop letting our experiences of the past dictate how we respond to life today. It cannot be done without revisiting our childhood. We need to become aware, to raise our consciousness. To create a new level of consciousness for ourselves that allows us to observe ourselves.It is vital to start learning how to not give power to that critical shaming voice. We need to start observing ourselves with compassion. This is almost impossible at the beginning of the inner child healing process - having compassion for our self, being Loving to our self, is the hardest thing for us to do. (to be continued)

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