Sunday, February 17, 2008

Clinical Musicologist Now Taking Patients in Crescent Hill

Do you know what a clinical musicolgist is? This is the term that was literally created for Dr. Alice H. Cash when she was on staff at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Louisville, KY. Dr. Cash is a Ph.D. level musicologist or researcher in all things musical and then went on to study music medicine and music healing around the world with people like Dr. Alfred Tomatis, Dr. Arthur Harvery and Don Campbell(author of the "Mozart Effect.") To top it off, she got a second Master's degree in clinical social work and became a licensed therapist. Now she has opened a private practice in Louisville, KY where individuals, couple, families and children can come to work on their health, wellness and mental health issues with or without the benefit of music, rhythm and vibrational healing.

If you live in Louisville or are willing to drive there, call dr. Cash at 502-419-1698 for an appointment or email her at Feel better fast!

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