Monday, July 27, 2009

How do YOU cope with Stress?


Courtesy of the Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

*Get up 15 minutes earlier
*Prepare for the morning the night before
*Avoid tight fitting clothes
*Avoid relying on chemical aids
*Set appointments ahead

*Don't rely on your memory ... write it down
*Practice preventive maintenance
*Make duplicate keys
*Say "no" more often
*Set priorities in your life
*Avoid negative people
*Use time wisely
*Simplify meal times
*Always make copies of important papers
*Anticipate your needs
*Repair anything that doesn't work properly
*Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
*Break large tasks into bite size portions
*Look at problems as challenges
*Look at challenges differently
*Unclutter your life
*Be prepared for rain

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