Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Holidays and STRESS

Did you have any stress related to your Christmas holiday this year? If you did, you're certainly not alone. All over the world, people get their hopes and expectations really high and imagine a "Norman Rockwell/Hallmark" kind of Christmas.
The media, in an attempt to sell lots of toys, food, clothes, cars and jewelry, portray happy, joyous families. Everyone is hugging, kissing and getting along beautifully. For folks who did or didn't have thiskind of Christmas growing up, people get their hope up that Christmas will be like this if they just buy the "right stuff."
By the time Christmas Day arrives, everyone is exhausted and stressed. Someone says something careless and suddenly people are shouting, crying or storming around. Unfortunately, sometimes violence erupts and people get hurt, emotionally if not physically.
What to do? If anyone is willing to make a move toward peace or apology, this can be a way to nip things in the bud. Acknowledging that you may have spoken harshly or too quickly can do miraculous work toward restoring a nice day. If no one is willing to make that move, then getting some physical space might help. Just separating the quarreling people into different areas of the house might help. If alcohol or drugs are involved, the impaired person needs to be removed to a quiet spot where they can sleep and begin to sober up.
Families really do want to get along down deep, but hurt feelings can be very toxic and painful. The adult/parent figures in the house really do need to set the example of dealing with hurt/angry feelings withot violence to retaliation. Of course, processing all of this with a therapist can be helpful too! Take care and I'll see you soon!

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